Chainmax 460

This product is a very adherent and are resistant to high pressure. It is particularly suitable as water resistant agent and lubricant of drive chains and overhead conveyor chains. Chainmax WR fluids do not splash or drop and will therefore ensure a better lubrication compared to conventional lubricants.


Adherent, water repellent chain oil

This product is a very adherent and are resistant to high pressure. It is particularly suitable as water resistant agent and lubricant of drive chains and overhead conveyor chains. Chainmax WR fluids do not splash or drop and will therefore ensure a better lubrication compared to conventional lubricants.

It can be used at service temperatures from -20 up to 150 ºC. Thanks to its superior anticorrosive capacity the product will perform very well at sea and in other corrosive ambiences. A truly multipurpose oil for hoist chains, forklift trucks, chain saws, general machinery, delicate moving parts of robots and whenever a premium light grade oil is required.

To obtain maximum results, apply the product to dry and clean surfaces.


  • Excellent corrosion resistance and dewatering properties allow application to wet or recently washed chains
  • Excellent penetration properties provide protection of the moving chain pins and bushes
  • Non-drip properties will extend the lubrication intervals and ensure a clean working area
  • The EP additive provides a high degree of wear protection and extends chain life


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